The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ~ Wordsworth
A poem should not mean but be ~ Archibald MacLeish
If I read it and it makes my body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is poetry ~ Emily Dickinson
Poetry is what makes me laugh or cry or yawn, what makes my toenails twinkle, what makes me want to do this or that or nothing ~ Dylan Thomas
The only problem
with Haiku is that you just
get started and then
~Roger McGough
Beauty is truth. Truth, beauty.
That is all ye know on Earth and all ye need to know ~ Keats
Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. ~Novalis
Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them. ~ Charles Simic
Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand. ~ Plato
The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. ~Robert Frost
Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry. ~Muriel Rukeyser
The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth. ~Jean Cocteau
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. ~Edgar Allan Poe
Textbook definition: Emotionally evocative literature that makes meaning with particular attention to rhythm, connotation, symbol and/or form.
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